22 August 2012

The Challenge

I am now 24 years old. I can generally say that I'm pretty proud of myself but I have a lot of growing yet to do, so I set myself a challenge. The idea is not my own (my friends Kellie and Heather set a precedent), but I've gone and taken the brilliancy and decided to adapt it just for me. I have decided to make a list of 25 things I want to complete before turning 25. They have little rhyme or reason. Some of them are things I've always wanted to do. Others are things I think I should do or couldn't imagine doing without even the most arbitrary of reasons. Mostly I just want to get as much as I can out of this year.

I've worked the list to the bone and have come up with 24 challenges with which I feel satisfied, but I'm taking suggestions for the last one. There's no rush. I'm giving myself until mid-February to set the last goal, but if something hits you while reading this post or in passing and you say, "Gosh, that'd be a cool '25 Before 25' challenge" you know how to get in touch with me.

Also, you will read that some of the projects are small and really personal. Others are big scale and I'll be looking for support. I plan on posting updates here and will use this blog as a source to call for help. Plus I made a new page to keep track of completed missions. If there's anything you feel really inspired about helping with or want to join in on, the more the merrier! Contact me by email (samanthacibelli[at]gmail[dot]com), message me on Facebook, or leave a comment below. Looking forward to what the next year brings!

And without further ado, my 25 Before 25:
  1. Read the complete collection of Shakespeare's plays.
  2. Learn to speak conversational Spanish--and don't lose my Italian!
  3. Travel to Budapest, Hungary.
  4. Sponsor a bake sale for Cookies for Kids' Cancer.
  5. Complete a half-marathon.
  6. Cheer on the Carolina Panthers at the Bank of America Stadium.
  7. Obtain my Italian dual citizenship... and learn their national anthem.
  8. Take a trip to Paris, France with G.
  9. Become a "connoisseur" of beer: how it's made, what distinguishes different types and tastes, etc.
  10. Organize a community service project for U.S. military families.
  11. Go on a date with Dad.
  12. Write an editorial that is published.
  13. Visit some people at local nursing homes who don't have regular visitors. Make new friends.
  14. Conquer my fear of heights.
  15. Eat something really different.
  16. Surprise Mom with something special.
  17. Be a part of some art form, preferably on-stage.
  18. Find a way to honor Papa.
  19. Get a full-time job and flesh out my knowledge about money.
  20. Present/write about my Fulbright project.
  21. Keep my pact to Jason.
  22. Compose my personal mission statement and brand.
  23. Watch the "Must See Movie List." (Suggestions invited!)
  24. Start a "Family Stories" project, recording my favorite family myths and memories.
  25. **To be determined.**


  1. mi piace la lista e posso aiutarti per imparare l'inno italaino anche se G. forse e' piu' adatto di me! baci baci

  2. YAY! Great list! Can't wait to hear about your adventures!
