18 September 2011

Lessons Learned, Part 4

The return of the only repeat structure I have ever used on this blog:

Looking like a tourist by pulling out a map is a much cuter and more comfortable look than looking like a ragamuffin with blistered feet.

Likewise, the Google Maps Navigation system isn't always the most reliable and you can go up and down the same street up to three times trying to read the fool-proof directions.

Friends will figure out a way to make the friendship work here, there, and everywhere.

I need a personal assistant. (Dad, are you sure you don't want to be my shadow?)

When apartment searching, you will find the perfect place only when 4 other people are interested in it, too.

Still, your luck in this whole process might not have run out yet and you will get the apartment of your dreams for a seemingly reasonable price in the most amazing location.

That's right, ladies and gentlemen, I am officially living in Italy!

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