16 June 2010

Well, it's done.

I feel like there should have been a parade or a party or something. Of course, I'm talking about booking my ticket to Italy. I put in the big bucks, choosing the best price I could find in the worst possible season to travel abroad. But it's done and I leave in under 5 weeks.






...Um, sorry about that freakout. But back to what I was saying, I feel like there should have been something to mark the occasion, but instead I was laying on the couch, watching America's Got Talent sporting my Fightin' Irish sweatshirt and Marvel Comic's boxers. (I guess I can't expect everyone else to get all dressed up if I won't either.)

A good friend of mine once told me that moments like these are just a part of the celebration of life. These "small moments" lead into big celebrations later on when there are real things to celebrate...like: a Fulbright grant? a competitive fellowship? all kinds of adventures I can't yet fathom?

So here's to the future celebrations of all shapes, sizes, and kinds!

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