As an undergraduate at Meredith Angel (with only things like women's rights to avenge), I completed my psychology thesis research in the identity development of young adults, or emerging adults, if you will. This term- now widely used among others like Generation Y, the Millenials- was coined by the researcher J.J. Arnett to define those between 18-25 who are finding-- no stumbling their way from their teenage years into adulthood. This is a period for the privileged middle and upper class of the world, mostly Westerners, to figure out if they are keeping those core values given from their parents or dropping them for any of the endless other choices. I always had a bit of a beef with the age definition because I know plenty of people who are still defining themselves throughout their 20s and into their 30s, and as I approach my 25th birthday (it's merely 2.5 months away) I can't imagine having enough figured enough out to be an adult.
Now, by this point, we all know that my 25 before 25 is not going to be finished. I've worked really hard on these goals, and even completed some big ones, so they'll be upgraded to a 30 before 30. No problem. But also, there are some changes as I continue to work on as I strive to work out some of the uncertainties about who I am and where I'm going both metaphorically and actually. In fact, a huge part of keeping up this blog has been to record and to announce my grand life changes, has it not?
So for a variety of reasons, my Fulbright year helped me realize that I don't want to get into academics. Was I a bit wishy-washy under that kind of freedom and an unclear vision? Sure. But partially I'd like some job mobility, and after some great years of uncertainty, I'm looking forward to any security life can afford. I don't see research or university life rendering these things for me. We may discuss the reasons why to all of these things, but let's just skip that for now and say we're all right. The world is crumbling. Society is changing for the better. Whatever, back to me. (It is my blog after all.)
In exploring the skills and the experiences I had acquired and whatever I could possibly do with them on somewhat my terms, a dear friend Allison suggested I look into consulting over a yummy autumn meal. From there I applied to two great business schools and decided on one as mentioned earlier. This time next year, I'll be graduating from Duke University's Fuqua Business School with a Master's in Management Studies. I'm learning business foundations in 10 months. Think of it like an MBA, Jr. for stinkers like me without the experience to get an MBA.
I'm awfully excited about it. I'm also a bit nervous. In a year (!!!), I'll already be a graduate. And let's be real: I never anything about business studies outside of my half semester of economics as a senior in high school (Many thanks, Mr. David Seidel!). Thankfully, Fuqua's MMS program has set me on a path of pre-program studying, learning how to use Excel's financial functions, calculating future values on investments and profit margins, and other stuff that might bore you to tears if you are one of my typical blog readers. You guys come for the European adventures, I know. I promise, I'll be back there... eventually.
But for now, I'm *surprise!* enjoying soaking in this new knowledge and discovering a foreign side of me. A side that can employ my data analysis skills and creative critical thinking in an unfamiliar atmosphere. Once again I feel like I can offer something to society. I find that I am not reinventing myself, but working on a foundation that's already been prepared with much effort. For some of you, this new career choice may seem like an about-face change, a rejection of who I was. Instead, I delightfully continue to be surprised by another facet to who I am and what I have to offer. What I do as a job simply does not define who I am.
If nothing else, it is a pleasant reminder that I should never be simply complacent, that I can always discover a better version of myself. Passion and opportunities are everywhere, if only we commit to making them our own.
Also, calm down all of you anti-Duke fans. I'm not going to play basketball. I wasn't dealt those cards.
13 May 2013
04 April 2013
La vie en rose.
Then last weekend was the fiesta of the YEAR when my dearest college friend Lauren donned her stunning dress to get hitched with Tim-Bo! SO. MUCH. FUN.
But really I wanna talk about February with my love since I'm finally getting around to looking at the pictures (and posting them on Facebook, naturally). We visited with so many friends while I was in Italy but took a little retreat just the two of us to Paris of all places during Valentine's Day of all times. Back in August when we decided to visit La Ville-Lumière that really wasn't the plan, but it sure was convenient. Anyone who knows anything about long distance relationships will tell you that a little bit of effort goes a long way! Staying in an apartment ended up being so much cheaper than any other options and our home base was in the best part of town: Le Marais. I wanted to go to every little cafe', art gallery, and vintage shop on the street, but without that much time or money (Paris isn't the cheapest city there ever was...), it makes for great window shopping. The first morning we stopped in the Rodin Museum to examine art and think our own thoughts.
Then we visited Napoleon, or really his tomb. Walking into Les Invalides, I couldn't see the bottom of the hole, for far too long, where his 7-times entombed sarcophagus was. You can't fathom how huge it is from this picture, but not being able to see to the floor, my stomach dropped.
The line was super long so G went to investigate. He had been there before and went to explore. Upon his return, G explained that we can cut our wait time tremendously... by taking the stairs. The Eiffel Tower is 1063 feet (324 meters) tall--which meant nothing to me until I stood under it. Thinking to my 25 before 25, I recognized an opportunity to conquer my fear of heights. I mean, what better way? It was cold and windy and I was moving slow up to the first level. After some hot chocolate, we started up to the second level. As soon as I got there, I felt free! I was practically doing cartwheels (gross exaggeration) and definitely freaking out G. I made it up the 674 steps! But if I'm going to be honest, the elevator up to the tip top was the worst part. It moves so fast and the whole thing is glass. The view is impressive but G and I spent the ride up clutching each other in silence.
Valentine's Day was dreary and rainy. G brightened it up with breakfast and flowers, then we spent all day at the Louvre. The rooms were massive.
My favorite was definitely the Winged Victory of Samothrace, and Canova's Psyche Revived by Cupid's Kiss, but La Giocanda wasn't too bad too, I guess. Ha!
And we fell in love with all the Egyptian stuff. (It surely played into my bid to get Egypt on our travel list.)
My favorite sites were Sainte-Chappelle, the Pantheon, and Musée d'Orsay. Seeing those breathtaking windows on the one sunny day was lucky.
Manet's Olympia and the ENTIRE Impressionist section were real highlights at the Gare. Introducing G to art nouveau furniture was a big win, too, but the old train station museum is full of awesome things!
We really just loved walking around. When we could handle the cold (long johns on, naturally) we explored the streets and feasted on the sights that Hemingway, Stein, Picasso, and Fitzgerald lived. Shakespeare and Co., under the shadow of Notre Dame, was a sweet visit. Plus the French onion soup and fondue I convinced G to share in the Latin Quarter topped off the experience.
In all honesty, the Parisians really do dress better and I felt like I could see different styles from one quartier to the next. I had only good experiences with the Parisians which was a pleasant surprise as a child who lived through the Freedom Fries movement. I picked up the tiniest bit of French, all of which I've lost again except how to ask for the check. Their food was phenomenal. I practically lived off of cheese and baguettes the whole five days. And looking back, nearly missing our flight back to Italy for a brunch at Hotel du Nord and a stroll by the Saint-Martin was worth every blister.
We really just loved walking around. When we could handle the cold (long johns on, naturally) we explored the streets and feasted on the sights that Hemingway, Stein, Picasso, and Fitzgerald lived. Shakespeare and Co., under the shadow of Notre Dame, was a sweet visit. Plus the French onion soup and fondue I convinced G to share in the Latin Quarter topped off the experience.
In all honesty, the Parisians really do dress better and I felt like I could see different styles from one quartier to the next. I had only good experiences with the Parisians which was a pleasant surprise as a child who lived through the Freedom Fries movement. I picked up the tiniest bit of French, all of which I've lost again except how to ask for the check. Their food was phenomenal. I practically lived off of cheese and baguettes the whole five days. And looking back, nearly missing our flight back to Italy for a brunch at Hotel du Nord and a stroll by the Saint-Martin was worth every blister.
We did a lot more exploring but the synthesis is: Paris is not just a must see, but an experience.
25 Before 25,
good eats,
on the road,
12 February 2013
And six months in...
Here I sit, nearly six months after the creation of my 25 before 25, up too early with a cup of tea and a loading GPS, finishing the preparations for a big adventure. So I thought it time to review what's going on in my life.
The main focus for a while was that dual citizenship. I'm now at an impasse, waiting on several documents to go back and forth from New York before I get them all a special stamp and translated. Then I can finally bring them all in tow for a meeting at the Philadelphia consulate. Glad this project was started early because it's likely to not be even finished in time but here's hoping I'm wrong!
I have also been back with Winston-Salem Theatre Alliance volunteering in any jobs they'll take me. This brought me to do some backstage work with Sordid Lives and even put me on stage--in a coffin! I was stand in for a dead lady and laughed hysterically the whole time! Made it on stage! We can knock #17 off the list!
I also just assisted on some costuming for their current production of Legally Blonde. If you can check that one out, do so! It's such a fun production! Here's a picture of some of my work on the lovely Holly.
No full-time job, but that's okay. I've been working three jobs: sales associate at Banana Republic, babysitting (for an Italian family), and subbing for Winston-Salem/Forsyth County Schools. As a result, I've been running around like a crazy person, finding a few minutes when I can to communicate in one way or another with G, who has been victim to many late nights from the six hour time difference. I'm certainly getting a better idea of managing money, which I only hope to expand.
Some other things have come up in the meantime:
I'm in a whole bunch of weddings this year and can't wait to celebrate so much love! Who knew how much planning there was going into a big party?!? But if you know me, you know I show UP to party, so this spring is going to be a great one!
I've also applied to a few graduate schools for a Master's in Management. I'd start in July and finish by May 2014! A swift change to some of your knowledge, but to me, it's nothing new. It's so exciting to think about becoming a part of something real and current and changing. And if my blog is any kind of synthesis of my life then linear, predicted decisions should not be what you imagine! I can't say I regret any decisions, but I'm ready to start a career and mold it to fit me. Then I'm sure to learn quite a bit about money, no? But I'm also really proud of the reflection it's provided for my work and choices until now. It got me to really work on the personal branding and mission statement a bit. I can go into details when I have more updates to provide, but for now, I'm just excited for new possibilities!
And now... off to Paris! Rest assured that a post on it's own will make it to the blog. Au revoir!
The main focus for a while was that dual citizenship. I'm now at an impasse, waiting on several documents to go back and forth from New York before I get them all a special stamp and translated. Then I can finally bring them all in tow for a meeting at the Philadelphia consulate. Glad this project was started early because it's likely to not be even finished in time but here's hoping I'm wrong!
I have also been back with Winston-Salem Theatre Alliance volunteering in any jobs they'll take me. This brought me to do some backstage work with Sordid Lives and even put me on stage--in a coffin! I was stand in for a dead lady and laughed hysterically the whole time! Made it on stage! We can knock #17 off the list!
I also just assisted on some costuming for their current production of Legally Blonde. If you can check that one out, do so! It's such a fun production! Here's a picture of some of my work on the lovely Holly.
No full-time job, but that's okay. I've been working three jobs: sales associate at Banana Republic, babysitting (for an Italian family), and subbing for Winston-Salem/Forsyth County Schools. As a result, I've been running around like a crazy person, finding a few minutes when I can to communicate in one way or another with G, who has been victim to many late nights from the six hour time difference. I'm certainly getting a better idea of managing money, which I only hope to expand.
Some other things have come up in the meantime:
I'm in a whole bunch of weddings this year and can't wait to celebrate so much love! Who knew how much planning there was going into a big party?!? But if you know me, you know I show UP to party, so this spring is going to be a great one!
I've also applied to a few graduate schools for a Master's in Management. I'd start in July and finish by May 2014! A swift change to some of your knowledge, but to me, it's nothing new. It's so exciting to think about becoming a part of something real and current and changing. And if my blog is any kind of synthesis of my life then linear, predicted decisions should not be what you imagine! I can't say I regret any decisions, but I'm ready to start a career and mold it to fit me. Then I'm sure to learn quite a bit about money, no? But I'm also really proud of the reflection it's provided for my work and choices until now. It got me to really work on the personal branding and mission statement a bit. I can go into details when I have more updates to provide, but for now, I'm just excited for new possibilities!
And now... off to Paris! Rest assured that a post on it's own will make it to the blog. Au revoir!
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